A heartfelt thank you for your donation to Barn45.
Our Employee Identification Number for our NonProfit Organization 501C3. EIN 831804343
(Foundation Grants go to “Lee Family Foundation”)
Receipts for donations will be emailed to you when they are received into our system, if we have an email address for you. If you do not receive a receipt and need one, please email us at connect@barn45.org
All donations to Barn45 are used for all aspects of the Ministry such as online and in-person bible studies, purchasing and sending bibles free, and ministering to every heart that steps on the property or makes contact with us.
If your donation is a memorial, please send an email to connect@barn45.org to let us know.
We have set up a separate fund for a Compassion International Child, Babyson, that Barn45 now sponsors. If you would like to donate to Babyson and use the Apple Pay, Bank or Credit Card donation immediately below, you can select that fund on the dropdown box. All other methods of donating to Babyson will need to have a memo attached, or email sent to alert us at connect@barn45.org. Thank you! 💕