Is Barn45 a Church? No, Barn45 is not a church. We don't hold weekly church services; however, we ARE the church body and are led by the Holy Spirit. This small, but mighty global ministry holds women's and men's bible studies online. There are some in-person events as well.

Why did you name your ministry Barn45? Barn45 was named in a very organic way. While building the Barn, the Lee family was in the middle of their weekly family bible study and the scripture connected to the powerful noticing of the 45 degree angle, how it reflects the love of Jesus in the perfect way. They noticed how it's also a perfect connection to when we're reading the Bible. We want it to read us as we read it. One of the children then said, "We should name it Barn45!" What we get from His Word is reflected out into the world! Naming of Barn45 explanation

How did Barn45 Start? Barn45 was built from the rubble & ruins of marital ashes. Go to the Missions page to read the story of the beginning, or watch this video from the Barn 45 Facebook Page.

Where do I find the Live Online Study? The Live Morning Study can be found on the Barn45 Facebook Page or Barn45 YouTube Channel The study is on break through the summer.

Where do I find past videos from the Live Morning Study or other studies? The Live study and recorded past videos can be found on the Barn45 Facebook Page. Click the “Videos” tab right under the Barn Picture at the top of the page. The videos are listed newest to oldest. March 30, 2020 Psalm 16 is the first Live Morning Study. You can also find most of the Morning Study videos on the Barn45 YouTube Channel. Again, click the “Videos” tab near the top of the page under Joy and Tara’s picture to get a list of newest to oldest videos. Or click the “playlists” tab to search by subject. Some of the early online morning studies are not available on YouTube.

Can I Visit Barn45? Yes, we love that! The outside grounds of the Barn are always open. You are welcome to come and walk around, enjoy the prayer path, or sit and quietly reflect on the cross. The Barn building is open most Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10:45 am to 2:00 pm, and some Thursdays . The Barn45 Store is open most Wednesdays, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, and on the third Saturday of the month, 10 am to 12 pm. Please check ahead if you are traveling a distance as the schedule can change.

Do you offer Counseling? We do not currently offer counseling at the Barn but we do have some excellent, God-centered referrals. Teri Miller is local to Highland and uses the Barn office to counsel, or can connect virtually. Get more info at We also recommend the, which is Stephanie and Bob Tucker’s group from California, the counselors Joy and Jaime went to. They offer virtual and onsite counseling and you can get info and connect through their website. Bob Tucker also offers counseling at Tim Wessel’s ministry, Thrive Coaching is another excellent resource. Info on Thrive Coaching is at

What is the Barn45 Biblenerd Community Reset Facebook Group? It was first developed to challenge us to read His Word DAILY - which proved to be a blessing in the month of Sept 2020. Now God is calling it His community written, "comeUNITY." He shared with several people during our first of the month Prayer Team Meeting: "Come to Me first - before anyone or anything else. Then show up in your home & community from a place of overflow sharing that you come together in UNITY under one God to love others as we love ourselves." Just recently God has led us to “Reset” on and in Him. This is also a place to continue the conversation from our FB Live Bible Study weekday mornings 9:00-10:00 am EST. May this group draw you closer to the enoughness of Jesus Christ! ❤️

How do I find/join the Barn45 Biblenerd Community Reset Facebook Group? Link to the page Here. Click “Join” near the top of the page. You must answer the three questions to join the group. Thank you for helping to keep this a safe and God-honoring space for all. Please be patient in our response as there are many requests to join the page.

How do I subscribe to the Barn45 emailed Newsletter? When you enter the website for the first time of the day, a pop up will appear to enter your email to subscribe to the newsletter. If you have entered your email already, you will not see the pop up anymore. Or you can Go Here and enter your email address to subscribe.

Can I rent the Barn for my event/wedding? Thank you for your interest in the Barn property. At this time the Barn is not available to rent for outside events or weddings.