Genesis 19:1-11 Thursday Guest

Ariel’s Notes


Sodom and Gommorah...

...God made him king over all of Israel, but even he was led into sin. Nehemiah 13:26

Tozer said you have to go down to go up.

God uses present pain to lead us into the real Truth. And His Truth is I still have a root that He is not enough. God doesn’t show up when you think you can do it. He’s shows up when you can’t! We are all one decision away from Sodom and Gommorah...we can be so quick to judge yet I learned this week we honor Him with our lips but our hearts are only one seemingly innocent choice away from separation. We are blind because our minds hold us captive. But the blood of Christ is washing us clean by the moment, so we can rest in that Fact of Grace and let Jesus take the lead. Cry out call out crawl out, just keep moving towards the focus of Jesus, Yeshua, calling on your name. There is no disappointment or shame in His eyes, His heart is completely unreserved toward us. We walk around like He didn’t know we were going to take that second cookie, when really He knew all along and had only good planned out for us when we did. He knows and only He knows what it will take for us to live out our purpose and calling in eternity with Him. So who am I to judge these men who am I to judge myself. He is the perfector of my walk with Him not me not you not anyone else.

satan set it up perfectly but God orchestrated all of it divinely in His perfect Love under His

matchless Grace. If you keep the lie in the dark, you will have time to ruminate in your minds eye over

and over again, until the Truth is buried so deep you start to believe the lie. But we have the Truth on

our side and the deeper the lie the more His glory is magnified by our surrender to the way the Truth

and the Life. My dad had my security until I became the product of divorce. After that my security

transferred to many different places, many different things, until one day there was You! Wonderful,

glorious dimple faced you. My security transferred yet again to this new face, this new love, this new

person, and for years my love I tried to get everything I needed from You. God has taken me on a

journey of healing since the day I woke up to a meth addict staring blankly back at me in the mirror.

Slowly but surely transferring all of my security, all of my fears, all of my expectations, over to HIM. I

thought the part of my life that needed even desired attention was over. I thought my addict behavior

was the catalyst of my cheating but there’s always a deeper root a deeper Truth and another layer we

can’t see until it’s time. I looked to my husband for it all, looked to other men while still married to my

husband to meet a need that was never filled. I’ve ran to it, away from it, for it, I’ve tried to fight it, flee

from it, and conquer it all at once. I’ve given in I’ve given up fought it and succumbed to it. I can’t grasp

it I can’t tarry it I tether it most often. And these past two weeks following a few weeks of less than

intentional being have been at the very least a huge wake up call. What I’ve learned is that my heart

wasn’t completely surrendered to Jesus, that I still had a portion of it in the world and needed my

husband for things he could not provide because if he could what happened next never would have. It

took all of a week and a half for that old Ariel to come out the one receiving attention, power, and

butterflies from the opposite sex. For two days my heart was divided and God allowed every minute of

it. But I’m here to share the difference Jesus makes and how quickly He showed me apart of my heart I

thought had long since been broken. The Truth of it all is that as soon as I didn’t have my husband here

my Jesus wasn’t enough and I was blindsided by apart of my story I thought had been healed along with

my addict behavior. I share this because I had gentle nudges throughout the week and I didn’t listen and

before I knew it I was in trouble. But God in His goodness and mercy allowed me to see just how Grace

really works. He allowed me to have this flirtatious spirit for two days before I woke up to the reality

that I still wasnt fully dependent on Him. And this is where I went to a trusted friend a truth teller and I


cried and cried and cried because I was so so blindsided. I didn’t know that girl the one with daddy hurts

really works. He allowed me to have this flirtatious spirit for two days before I woke up to the reality that I still wasnt fully dependent on Him. And this is where I went to a trusted friend a truth teller and I cried and cried and cried because I was so so blindsided. I didn’t know that girl the one with daddy hurts was still hurt. I didn’t realize that a few seemingly innocent choices would lead to this.

He was made a perfect leader through the things which He suffered. "He knoweth our frame; he remembered that we are dust." Think of that when you are tempted to question the gentleness of his leading. He is remembering all the time; and not one step will HE make you take beyond what your foot is able to endure. Never mind if you think it will not be able for the step that seems to come next; either He will so strengthen it that it shall be able, or He will call a sudden halt, and shall not have to take it at all. -Frances Ridley Havergal


Season 3 GenesisJoy Lee